Stanmore Joint Ventures
Bowen Coking Coal has a joint venture interest in two coking coal projects operated by Stanmore Resources Limited (ASX: SMR), one of Australia's largest suppliers of coking coal to global markets.
Bowen Coking Coal 15% | Stanmore Resources 85%
The Lilyvale project is located 25km north east of Emerald in Queensland’s Bowen Basin and is in close proximity to the Sojitz-owned Gregory Crinum operating coking coal mine and bordering the Kestrel mine.
A desktop review of the Lilyvale project identified the German Creek (or Lilyvale) seam as potentially amenable to underground extraction based on depth and estimated seam thickness. This seam is presently mined as a high quality coking coal at the adjacent Kestrel and nearby Gregory Crinum operations. The project is well located within 15km of existing rail infrastructure given the surrounding operating mines.
Bowen Coking Coal 5% | Stanmore Resources 95%
The Mackenzie Coking Coal Project in the Bowen Basin is well located for export markets as it lies on the existing Blackwater railway line to Gladstone. The project is located between the Ensham and Curragh operating mines and is adjacent to the Washpool coking coal project, which is also targeting the Burngrove Coal Formation.
The project geological model contains a total of 80 bore holes. The coal sequence comprises two main coal seams being the Leo and Aquarius seams within the Burngrove formation. The seams strike in a general North South direction over an approximate 27km strike length, and dip towards the west at approximately 2 degrees. The main coal seams occur at depths of between 10 and 110 metres.